Home Made Table using Wood Circles
I am starting in this blog a web site to publish texts about my home table made by wood circles. The technique is simple and I copied it from an craftsman of Paraty (Brazil) in 2006, june. I have collected wood from different trees and I have cut it on circles and I am joining this parts using wood glue. Before starting this work, I searched on internet, but I could not discovery other work like this (if somebody know about, should tell me). The internet has been important to learn something like: kinds of wood glue; machines; kinds of wood sandpaper, etc. Other action that helps a lot was talk to people what I am doing. Thus I have talked to craftsmen, carpenter, suppliers, salesmen and curious. In the beginning of the project, the most difficult material to get was wood, but as I was talking to people, many of them were tell me about wood and when I could get it or they hold wood for my project. On bellow pictures I will explain better.
This was the first circle of wood (picture 1). It has about 80cm on width and is from Artocarpus
heterophyllus (the jackfruit tree) (more information and picture in: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaca). I got it by a friend (Rabelo) that lives in Itaunas (Brazil - North of Espírito Santo). Before I could use it (as another one), I had plane and level out it. Also I used a finishing sander.
In order to plain, I am using a Makita 1900b (picture 2). It has been strong and efficient machine. A trouble with that machine is sharpening its knifes. When its knifes are waste is impossible to sharp it by hand (indeed follow up manufacture’s instructions). Thus I had looked for a supplier of this kind of service. Fortunately I found a company (Santa Terezinha) near my house (Tatuapé - São Paulo - Brazil).
After plain, it is necessary to use a sander (picture 3). This machine help take off some imperfection on wood after used electric plain. Moreover, it helps level out the wood.
In this part of the work, as it is not my intention to turn wood completely smooth, I am using heavy coarse sandpaper. The best I could find at moment is Norton 36. There are two kinds of sandpaper: black and yellow. I recommend the black because it work hard.
All This service (cut, plain and sander) needs to be done in all circles. How much varied of circles (kind and size), I think the final work will be better.
The different sizes and kinds turn on an appreciable diversity. At the end of the work I will be a table with a clear wood to the side of another one dark.
As I understood this project would be viable, saved money and bought a chain saws (picture 4). Before buy it, I had to contract this service. I searched on internet and found recommendation fot sthil. I bought stihl 360 (it works hard).
After join with glue the largest circles, it is necessary to join another small circles. Using small twig I done pegs and inserts it between circles in order to get sustentation table (picture 5).
At the begin of assembly happen an accident. A strong wind knocks down the table and many piece unglued. It was necessary to solve this problem, otherwise when table was ready, it could be break if someone or something impact it. The solution was “cement” pieces on behind (picture 6). I user a mix of withe glue and wood dust. This technique created a strong link between pieces.
I could text this solution, when I discovered that I was glued wrong some pieces and I had to fix it. The pieces were well joined.
By this way the work go on. Piece with piece the mosaic- table advance. Picture 7 show the table at feb/2008
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