Tendo descoberto por acaso na intenet, esse livro trouxe valiosos entendimentos para meu objeto de estudo no mestrado.
Numa primeira parte do livro, Higgins procede um levantamento das principais autores que são citados em obras que tratam do tema capital social.
Muito acuradamente, na sequência, faz uma avaliação rigorosa e crítica do que denominou serem os autores seminais da teoria (Coleman, Putnam e Bourdieu).
Resumidamente, aponta que Coleman fez uma clonagem da micro-economia para a sociologia em relação ao conceito e denuncia o caráter utilitarista adotado. Nas palavras do autor, “custa aceitar que o mundo seja um grande bazar povoado só de mercadores" (Higgins, 2005, p. 257), visto que o pensamento de Coleman está assentado sobre as bases da teoria da ação racional.
Em relação à Putnam, apesar de reconhecer sua contribuição, como reconhece nos demais autores, critica que chamou de caráter "imobilista" (Higgins, 2005, p. 251) do conceito de capital social, pois as localidades que não tem capital social nada podem fazer.
Quanto a Bourdieu, em relação ao capital social, alerta que este autor tentou entendê-lo em "termos de poder", porém "mostrou o caminho sem percorrê-lo" (Higgins, 2005, p. 258).
Higgins, trás ainda muitos outros autores, mas destaco nesta nota as citações a Peter Evans assinalando a capacidade das instituições públicas em promover o capital social. No entendimento deste, é possível que se aproveite o capital social primário (existente nas comunidades tradicionais) para converte-lo em capital social societal (presente na sociedade como um todo).

A obra de Higgins, apesar de complexa pela enormidade de autores e teorias que sucinta é muito didática, pois o autor se preocupou em condensar as idéias em tabelas e esquemas gráficos explicativos.
Uma dessas ilustrações, apresentada por Higgins na página 167 em forma de árvore, transformei para a ilustração que pode ser vista acima.
A força dessa ilustração reside em mostrar a genealogia do conceito de capital social. Pode-se que por um lado o conceito dominante de capital social está impregnado pela visão micro-econômica e por outro lado pelo conservadorismo político.
Para quem se interessar pelo assunto, como complemento, é possivel acessar a tese de doutorado de Silvio Salej Higgins clicando aqui.
On this bold intellectual trip, Higgins came into relevant concepts to understanding social capital
I discovered it accidently on internet and it brought valuable insights to my master's degree
In Part 1 of the book, Higgins do a survey of main authors cited in capital social books.
On accurated way, on sequence, he do a rigorous and critical evaluation of he called by theory's seminals authors
In Short, he points that Coleman made a clone from micro economy to sociology concerning concept and denounced its utilitarist character. On his own word “it’s hard to believe that the world be a big bazaar populated only by merchants”, (Higgins, 2005, p. 257), once Coleman’s thinking is based on rational action theory.
Despite concede Putnam contribution, as do to others authors, he criticizes his social capital concept calling it by “immobilizer”, insofar as the communities that do not have social capital can do nothing
About Bourdieu, Higgins notes that this author tried understand it “in terms of power”, however “he shows us the way without run it”
Higgins yet show us a wide range of authors, however I highlight here Peter Evans’s citations. This author emphasize on public institution as able to promote social capital. On his understanding it is possible to use primary social capital (that there is in traditional communities) to convert it to societal social capital (there are in whole society)
His book, despite its complexity because has many authors and theories, is very didactic, insofar as he worried in condense his ideas into tables, illustrations and graphs
One of those illustrations, presented by Higgins on page 167 under tree drawing, I converted it into illustration above added
The strength this illustration is reveal the social capital concept's genealogy. It shows, on the one hand that prevalent social capital concept is impregnated by micro-economic view and on the other hand, by politic conservatism.
For who is interested on this issue, as a complement, the Silvio Salej Higgins’s PhD thesis is open (click here).

I discovered it accidently on internet and it brought valuable insights to my master's degree
In Part 1 of the book, Higgins do a survey of main authors cited in capital social books.
On accurated way, on sequence, he do a rigorous and critical evaluation of he called by theory's seminals authors
In Short, he points that Coleman made a clone from micro economy to sociology concerning concept and denounced its utilitarist character. On his own word “it’s hard to believe that the world be a big bazaar populated only by merchants”, (Higgins, 2005, p. 257), once Coleman’s thinking is based on rational action theory.
Despite concede Putnam contribution, as do to others authors, he criticizes his social capital concept calling it by “immobilizer”, insofar as the communities that do not have social capital can do nothing
About Bourdieu, Higgins notes that this author tried understand it “in terms of power”, however “he shows us the way without run it”
Higgins yet show us a wide range of authors, however I highlight here Peter Evans’s citations. This author emphasize on public institution as able to promote social capital. On his understanding it is possible to use primary social capital (that there is in traditional communities) to convert it to societal social capital (there are in whole society)
His book, despite its complexity because has many authors and theories, is very didactic, insofar as he worried in condense his ideas into tables, illustrations and graphs
One of those illustrations, presented by Higgins on page 167 under tree drawing, I converted it into illustration above added
The strength this illustration is reveal the social capital concept's genealogy. It shows, on the one hand that prevalent social capital concept is impregnated by micro-economic view and on the other hand, by politic conservatism.
For who is interested on this issue, as a complement, the Silvio Salej Higgins’s PhD thesis is open (click here).
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